Created in 2001, the goal of the Management Faculty of Color Association (MFCA) is to promote and support the professional development of People of Color with a particular emphasis on African, Hispanic / Latinx, and Native and/or Indigenous descent who hold a doctoral degree in Management or a related field and who hold a faculty or administrative appointment (full-time, part-time, emeritus, retired) at a University or College.
The association seeks to achieve this goal through three major activities:
To date, several hundred management faculty from across the country have participated in MFCA events at the both our Annual MFCA conference and at the Annual Academy of Management (AOM) Meetings.
Our membership continues to grow, however we have yet to capture all of the faculty of color in our field (management). To date, several hundred faculty members from across the United States have participated in MFCA-sponsored events, such as our annual MFCA conference and activities at the Academy of Management meeting.
With your support, we can continue to provide these services to our Association members and the greater management academic community.
We encourage faculty to become members of the MFCA. MFCA members will receive certain benefits such as links to additional resources, updated directories, and discounted admissions to MFCA events (as these expand).
However, and more importantly, the strongest benefit of being a member of the MFCA will be the access that members gain to an extensive network of African-American, Hispanic American/Latinx, and Native American management faculty across the nation in order to advance collegial, professional, and mentoring relationships.
Institutions are also encouraged to become a MFCA sponsor in order to obtain increased exposure and to develop relationships with leading African-American, Hispanic American/Latinx, and Native American management scholars. As such, partnership with the MFCA represents an excellent vehicle for faculty and student recruitment.
Chartered this 11th day of August, 2002 in Denver, Colorado
Does with the concurrence of the undersigned Charter members, hereby establish said Association for the purpose of promoting and supporting the professional development of African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans/Latinx, and Native Americans who hold a doctoral degree in Management or a related field and who hold a faculty position at a University or College.
The primary goal of the Association is to assist its members in achieving the highest level of excellence and scholarship in the areas of research, teaching, and service.
The Association is committed to shaping the future of the management field, academia as a whole, and society at large.
As Agreed and Signed this 11th day of August, 2002